Ken Braly Information, Technology, Communication

Ken Braly brings an extensive background in technology and speaking to helping people organize, manage, and communicate the mass of information they deal with every day.

Ken began working with computers more than 50 years ago, back when having cool color graphics meant using both red and blue punch cards in the same deck. Since then, his involvement with computers has taken many turns, including roles (some ongoing) as a

  • Programmer in numerous languages
  • Mainframe systems programmer
  • Database administrator and designer
  • IT manager
  • University lecturer
  • Nation-wide speaker and seminar leader
  • Technical writer
  • Author
  • Independent consultant
  • User group founder and leader
  • Software developer
  • Technical presentations trainer
  • Website developer and designer
  • Interface designer
  • Project manager

Unusual for someone in technology, Ken understood early the importance of being able to present ideas and information through speaking. As a result, he

  • Publishes a newsletter for speakers (see below)
  • Has been an active member of the National Speakers Association for over 45 years, and is a founding member and past president of the Northern California NSA chapter
  • Presented the very first NSA convention session on computers for small businesses in 1984
  • Has taught courses in effective presentations
  • Coaches speakers in putting together and delivering their message
  • Has spoken about his special interest—managing your life in an age of information overload—to groups large and small
  • Has won speech contest awards in Toastmasters and the Dale Carnegie Sales Course

Today, along with Rebecca Morgan, Ken is co-publisher of SpeakerNet News, an award-winning email newsletter for the professional speaking community. SNN has appeared every other Friday for more than 28 years, and has more than 6,000 subscribers. He co-hosts the SpeakerNet News teleseminar/webcast series — educational sessions featuring top speakers — and has produced numerous print and audio/video products.

InfoMastery | 17 Oak Shadows Ln | Aptos, CA 95003-3429 | (408) 655-6826 | ken (at)